Many people ask me how I teach this many children. So far I have graduated 3 of my children from High School after having been Homeschooled for their entire education.
I am currently teaching 12th, 10th, 8th, 7th, 4th, 2nd, K4 and have a 2 yr old baby.
Over the last couple years God has led our family to a wonderful new School program/Curriculum.
Classical Conversations! I will be sharing a post specifically about this transformation soon.
First, I teach most subjects all at the same time to all of the children. (Jr. High down)
For Kindergarten;
Over the years I have used various programs. Since each child's needs and academic processing have been so different I have found having an open mind about what program might work is the best plan. Here is a list of some of my favorite programs to teach reading that I actually have used:
-Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.
-Sing Spell Read and Write
-My Father's World (K & 1st)
This year I am doing something totally new and loving it! I am using All About Reading! I spent the whole summer reading up and doing research on different programs and I settled on trying this one out for my mildly dyslexic non-readers.
For a whole program approach that includes not only the basics of teaching reading but these others as well, (Bible, Math, Art, Music, & Science) I have used My Fathers World.
Penmanship daily exercises: A Reason for Handwriting
Early Math (K-3rd Grade): I prefer using Horizons Workbooks.
Older Math: (3rd- Calculus) Teaching Textbooks I can't say enough good things about this program. It has been a lifesaver for our family.
Spelling: Spelling Power
Writing: Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
I will keep this page growing ......... I have to go be a teacher, wife and mom..... gotta go!